Friday, August 3, 2007


This is joanna,I come from china.I had been Australia for eight years ago,but my english still very bad,even I work with I made a big decision .I go to TAFE for learn English.I choose Tuseday and thursday night and Friday whool day.I will be very buzy on the futrue.I hope after one year I can speak english afluency.
This morning I came to my english class.our teacher is a Australian girl.her name is Anita,she is a friendly and patience a teacher.she give aconversation "alcohol is an enjoyable drug" to us.I think alcohol is not enjoyble drug.every body knows that have lot of people draving with alcohol and so much accident from them.wohever little bit alcohol that's all right.but none of one can get right weigh.s0 alcohol is bad things.

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